SEES - Sustainable Electrical & Electronic System for the Automotive Sector

Scope of the Project

The main objective of this project is to develop sustainable, clean, cost- and eco-effective Electrical & Electronic System (EES) prototypes and dismantling/ recycling processes to increase the vehicle recovery/ reuse rate. In Europe the current vehicle recovery/ reuse rate of 75 % is mainly reached by metal recycling. Considering this state of the art the scientific breakthrough of the project consists of improving the actual end-of-life vehicle recycling scenario to support the achievement of the targets fixed by the End-of-Life Vehicles Directive. The project will support the objectives of the Sustainable Surface Transport Priority providing strategies and processes to clean dismantling and recycling of vehicles. This can be ensured by an experienced consortium covering all the life cycle of the product. 




The SEES project is funded at 58 % by the European Community within the 6 th Framework Programme, Priority 6.2 Sustainable surface transport, Advanced Design and Production Techniques, Research domain 2.5: Strategies and processes for clean maintenance, dismantling and recycling of vehicles Contract No. TST§-CT-2003-506075. 




The main deliverables resulting from the SEES project will be: 


  • Integrated economic & environmental assessment of automotive EES life cycle, 
  • Software tools for recyclability assessment and end of life scenarios simulation,  
  • Eco-design guidelines to improve future designs of car E&E systems, 
  • New recycling technologies for EES metals and plastics recycling, 
  • Demonstration and application of new dismantling and recycling technologies by product prototyping for assembly and disassembly, including "smart" materials, 
  • Dissemination & exploitation of all SEES results.




February 1st 2004 until January 31st 2007



Technical University Berlin (DE)



Lear Automotive (EEDS, ES), Ford Forschungszentrum Aachen GmbH (DE), Rohm & Haas (UK), Indumetal Recycling SA (ES), Metall Recycling GmbH (AT), GAIKER Centro Tecnológico (ES), CIMA Kereskedelmi - Szolgaltato es Innovacios KFT (HU), Universitat Rovira i Virgili (ES), Mü-Gu Kft (Müller-Guttenbrunn Csoport, HU).